He's Come, He's Come! - Emmanuel!
The New York Times leaves litte to the imagination regarding how we're supposed to think of the anointed one and the world's rejoicing at his arrival. Here's the picture they're highlighting on line in their coverage of the Security Summit.

In case any of you are groggy reading this and don't get it, here's the template for comparison:

A friend sent it along to Drudge who loves to highlight these kinds of things, but nothing yet, and I've seen no one else comment. My jaw dropped when I saw it - and I'd thought I'd seen about everything we could see from the Times's Obama worship.

In case any of you are groggy reading this and don't get it, here's the template for comparison:

A friend sent it along to Drudge who loves to highlight these kinds of things, but nothing yet, and I've seen no one else comment. My jaw dropped when I saw it - and I'd thought I'd seen about everything we could see from the Times's Obama worship.
Wow. Utterly, wow. I'm going back to Auster's to read the latest on separation.
Ziel: Incredible pick up. Very eerie. I mean someone out there putting the two pictures together, not the pictures themselves.
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