Teaching Evolution in Schools
What good is teaching evolution in school when your daughter tells you that, according to her teacher, human beings won't have pinkies thousands of years from now because we don't need them. My advice that she ask her teacher if she would marry a man missing his pinkie finger is unlikely to be followed.
You cannot play the guitar like this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3COq4fElfRA
without your pinky finger.
And not having music like that would truly suck. Tell that to that snarky teacher.
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How will people keep promises in the future if they can't pinky swear?
Eleven! You're projecting not just an extra digit, but on only one hand? Freaky...
Due to the proliferation of guitar playing (and keeping with the Spinal Tap reference).
I've just learned that the melungeons, a mysterious racial type with uncertain origins, sometimes have extra thumbs.
More NJ school news: Honor students riot in Trenton!
I need a prehensile tail. I've thought very often how useful that would be. When can I evolve one?
You must have some disease that causes you to serially miss the point. As mammals, we have, then lose, during gestation, pharyngeal gill slits and a tail. Furthermore, we still possess a non-functional third eyelid. All of these are evidence of evolution.
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